was it all just for the learning then? is that all thats happening- new experiences to learn from? isnt it the experience itself that matters? what matter? "whatsssss there"?
it doesnt have to be one thing, its everything and its nothing.
an exception to exception to exceptions even.
its so perfect.... its a perfect imperfection.... its perfect in its imperfection.
the scope of "perfect".
its everything and its nothing. all at once.
"it" doesnt need to be explained. just go on ahead................ stop thinking motherfucker!
i dunno what to say man.
it doesnt have to be one thing, its everything and its nothing.
an exception to exception to exceptions even.
its so perfect.... its a perfect imperfection.... its perfect in its imperfection.
the scope of "perfect".
its everything and its nothing. all at once.
"it" doesnt need to be explained. just go on ahead................ stop thinking motherfucker!
i dunno what to say man.
Hmm not sure what you're talking about! But found "the scope of perfect" interesting. There isn't much scope for perfection, is there? No room for improvement and all that...
i cant believe you actually commented on this junk... intellectual masturbation nothin less...
i was jus trying to vent out my general confusion and the resulting frustration.... rather very unsuccessfully
you read too much into the scope of perfection thing...its actually somethin i stole from some old archie comic...hehe.. though yes ur take on it is real interesting... iv thought abt that a lot.... why sanyas and reach an equilibrium (sp?) if there's nothin left to do? no motive nothin... beats me..
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